Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sharing My Heart

This weekend my little church hosted our annual "Friendship Feast" after Sunday morning services. It's where we bring our Senior Adults together with our children and they have lunch together. They get their pictures taken with their prayer partners for the year. I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the adults, the children, or the rest of us standing by and quietly watching. For me, I am just so thankful to God for bringing such wonderful people into my familys life.

One man in particular is Mr. John, but to most of the children he is Papa John. He has atleast 30 "grandchildren" in our church and he has a hug and a word of encouragement for all of them. Mr. John is not in the greatest of health, mostly due to his age, but he is always smiling, always asks how you are doing and then listens for the real answer. We try to go visit Mr. John at his home as often as we can, always bringing some little goodie to leave in his kitchen for later. He spends time showing us more pictures of his family, pictures that he painted when he was younger, a lone stuffed animal that sits in the corner that belonged to his son. He will find something that he can't remember where he got it, but wants to know if I've ever seen anything like it. He has an old wooden swing on his front porch and 2 more chairs that invite you to sit down and stay awhile.

Mostly I am thankful to God for giving my daughter an example of what's truly important in life. Spending time with those we love, slowing down long enough to show them that we care and that they are important, no matter what age.

So today, I share with you my friend Mr. John Green, my daughter Jessica (on the right) and my good friends granddaughter Abby (age 4).


  1. I love hearing about men with big hearts - they are out there, but you don't hear about them. This was a heartwarming way to start my day, thank you for sharing it. And your daughter is beautiful!!

  2. aww, that is so sweet!

    Can you please add my link to your blog? http://www.terraverdeonline.com

    Thank you!

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us! Yes we have to be thankful that God put around us people like Mr. John. God bless you and your lovely Jessica!

  4. What a lovely post. It is nice to have friends in our life like Mr. John. Enjoy him!

  5. aww that's a very sweet thing you do bounty and you're daughter is adorable!

  6. This is such a great way to connect outside family! Thanks so much for sharing it with us;)

    Can you add me to your link list?

    Thanks- Modbrush

  7. what a wonderful post, thank you for sharing

  8. Thank you for sharing, we all need to slow down and spend time with someone wonderful!

  9. Mr. John sounds like a wonderful role model for many children.

  10. Lovely feature. It sounds like adults can learn from Mr. John as well! :-)

  11. The "Friendship Feast" is such a loving idea, Bounty. Your church sounds wonderful!

  12. Thanks for sharing your lovely and thoughtful story :)

  13. Thank you for sharing it is a wonderful post.

  14. So nice of you to share your experience with Mr. John. God certainly is good and we do need more examples of His love and His friendship. I love the idea of the "friendship feast"!

  15. Thank you for sharing your story! Great to have examples as Mr. John

  16. Sweet post, Papa John sounds like a very sweet man and your daughter is adorable!


  17. That's so sweet. Wish I could see it all unfold. Beautiful story!

  18. Thank you all so much for commenting today. I can only imagine what riches God has waiting for Mr. John when he gets to heaven considering how many blessings he has given out here on earth, and he thinks he is blessed to know us........

  19. The fellowship within a community can be amazing. It's good to be reminded to count our blessings.

  20. Lovely write up!! I actually have a Mr. John in my life... literally. He was a neighbor to my parents when I was a kid. Mr. John and his wife Mrs. Bon were such good friends that when my parents moved they moved with them... and are STILL neighbors 30 years later. They are like a 2nd set of parents to me.
    It is always nice to hear these stories!

  21. That is a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing!
